Associate Professor Farah Magrabi and Professor Wendy Rogers (both from Macquarie University) were invited to contribute to and review the Human Factors and Ergonomics in Healthcare AI White Paper produced by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF).

The aim of the paper is to promote systems thinking among those who develop, regulate, procure, and use AI applications, and to raise awareness of the role of people using or affected by AI. The paper identified eight key human factors and ergonomics principles and methods which can be used by technology developers, healthcare organisations, regulators and research funders. The White paper was released in September 2021.

The eight key human factors and ergonomics principles and methods are:

  1. Situation awareness
  2. Workload
  3. Automation bias
  4. Explanation and trust
  5. Human-AI teaming
  6. Training
  7. Relationships between staff and patients
  8. Ethical issues

Farah Magrabi leads the Safety and Quality of Digital Health Systems research stream of the CRE in Digital Health and Wendy Rogers is Professor of Clinical Ethics at Macquarie University.