Godinho MA, Borda A, Kostkova P, Molnar A, Liaw ST. ‘Serious Games’ for unboxing Global Digital Health policymaking. BMJ Stel 2020; 0:1–2. doi:10.1136/bmjstel-2020-000606

The news headlines report daily on the global political impacts of digital technology: the secondary use of social media data has been implicated in election meddling, though the complex issues surrounding data governance, data ownership and the ethics of personalised advertising remain to be addressed. Meanwhile, digital automation drives unemployment and income inequality, even as

Godinho MA, Ashraf MM, Narasimhan P, Liaw ST. Community Health Alliances as social enterprises that digitally engage citizens and integrate services: a case study in Southwestern Sydney (Protocol). Digital Health 2020; 6: 1-8

South Western Sydney (SWS) is one of the fastest growing regions in the state of New South Wales (Australia). Much of the population live in local government areas (LGAs) with levels of disadvantage higher than the state average, with a predominance of non-communicable and chronic diseases that are typically associated with age-related and behavioural factors.